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18 ноября 2013 года

Новая машина OSCAR для Dakar-2014

15 октября 2013 года

Регистрация Дакар 2014

Dear Mr Anton Grigorov,After studying your registration file, we are delighted to confirm your registration on the Dakar 2014.We are very pleased to have you among us for this new challenge. Several important points:

The vehicles’ embarkation will be done at the departure of Le Havre, upon convocation, on November 21st and 22nd 2013. In Argentina, the vehicles shall be recovered from December 31st to January 2nd 2014 only. It is mandatory for you to be present at this date. The administrative checks and technical scrutineerings will take place for all the competitors in Rosario on January 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2014. Regarding flights tickets (from Europe) and accommodations, we advise you to benefit from the preferential rates negotiated by ASO. ( or 00.33.(0) You can also check into our offers online on the website in the area "Competitors" – “Offers to competitors”. These offers are customized to the competitor’s needs, such as the use of videos or Dakar logo on your website or social networks, travel offers for your sponsors, ... We remind you that you will find the sport and technical regulations on the website in the area “2014 Edition” – “Sporting Aspects”early August The whole Competitors’ Relation Department is at your disposal to help you getting ready for your Rally in the best conditions. Do not hesitate to contact them ( or 00.33.(0) and have a look on the Competitors’ area of the website for important information.With our very best regards,Etienne LAVIGNE David CASTERA Dakar Director Dakar Deputy andSporting DirectorXavier GAVORY Competition and Competitors’ relations CoordinatorIssy...
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